Another Police Video

  • Thread starter BJ Laster [URL]
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I was in Security Police when I was in the Air Force doing both security and law enforcement at differant times. I knew of several un-reported accidental weapons discharges. Later on when I was selling cars I sold a Porsche 911 to an OKC Police officer. When we were appraising his trade-in we noticed a weird bondo spot on the roof of the car. I asked him about guessed it....bullet hole. A few days later I had to meet him at the station to get some paperwork signed. He took me up the elevator that only the officers use to go up to the jail and the squad room. Two or three bullet holes in the elevator cab. He said it was from the officers playing quickdraw.:wacko: True story.


when my dad was in the border patrol back in the 80s he would practice his "quick draw" skills in front of the mirror in the lviing room of his apartment. One morning he was leaving for work and stopped in front of his mirror and did the draw and BAM! the gun fired. THe bullet shattered the mirror, went through the wall into the fridge, shattered the light, went through the milk contaner and the put a HUGE dent in the door.

OK, I gotta ask, is the hot female helper in the video with the black shirt & white shorts the same girl as the HOT girl in the advertisement on the left side of the page??

Unbelievable! First of all, why would anyone want to pique the kids interest by showing off firearms? If thats not bad enough, he is using his service weapon that is ready to rock and roll! What an of those kids could have been killed or seriously injured. I hope that he was disciplined for his lack of judgement.
Well I would have expected better from a "professional police man".:blink: