Another Charger Question For Sue

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
The last couple of times i have taken my boat out the trolling batts have been week. My charger has been acting wierd.

The last couple of times I've plugged it in it shows Red and Green or Green. This is after coming back from the lake and I know the batts are worn down.

The next day when I check the charger it shows Red and Green. I checked the fuses because last year i had a similar problem and one of the fuses had blown and the batt wasnt getting chaged. I replaced the fuse and all was well. A few months back my batteries were charging but ran down after a few hours of fishing. I replaced the batteries and its been great till the past couple of weeks.

Tell me what I should do next.


BJ have yo uchecked the water level in the batteries lately? It sounds to me like the charger is charging but the batteries arent taking it.
Yeah, a few days back you may remember I went through my boat and checked a bunch of stuff. I havent checked the batts tho.

They were bought new in March, could they need water already?

They sure could and most likley do, id bet they are dry or close to it. You really should check them every few trips. You would be amazed how much some batteries need water. The interstate batteries that came in my boat and the wally world ones i replaced them the first time with both needed water just about every month or so during the season. Once on my old boat i didnt check them for 2 months and they were dry as a bone when i checked them, those batteries were less then 6 months old. Since then i check them every 2-3 weeks. The trojans i have now i actually just watered for the first time in almost 3 years today, i still do check them often. All batteries are different some use more then others for some reason.

Check ou tthis link, its a maint atricls from Trojan batteries. It would apply to any flooded deep cycle. I would add it to your favorites, its good into to have on hand

Question for you, if the plates are exposed due to low water levels doesn't that portion of the plate become unusable?
Yep the plates corrode and shorten the life and capacity for sure. Hence why i check mine often.