Anna on Sunday

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mornin' all - Looks like Carlos and a bud are heading down on Sunday morning to do a little fishing in the snow. Toxic mentioned that he wanted to bring one of his guide buddies so maybe he will show up. Anyone else interested? Weather is colder with possible snow flurries. We haven't done the hot side in the snow so this should be another experience for us. Chime in if you'd like to make the trip! :lol::p:D:rolleyes:
I might be inclined to join, if there is someone with a back seat open ! ?
I have to get back down south. Ice is to thin, rivers and creeks are way to muddy for wading, and, and, and, got to go back South.

Ken - My back seat is open if you are interested. Meeting at the house around 0700-0715. Just let me know!
Sorry, can't make it this time around. Hope you guys catch lots!

I'm in a state of flux right now. I need to bring wood in from the forest and a few other chores. I hope to be there.........

The only bidders would be people who don't know him. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't spend the money. Course somebody might trade a Monkey Boat for him! LOL
Oh, Oh, i'll trade Tox for Carlos' Monkey Boat, only 'cause its a S&T boat, I tell ya Mac, YOU should be eBaying your wrapped boats, you'd pull down $100k each! Just gotta get pics of you towing one behind a pimp'd Avalanche or Escalade and Snoop Dog and all his Hommies will want one!!

Thats IT!! Thats my retirement game. I'm gonna get Mac to do me a sweet wrap and deck carpet job in S&T, and drive it all over LA/hollywood until one of the celeb's stops me and buys it, then it will the THE thing to have and i'll have a contract with Mac Daddy to hook me up with more boats!! YEA BABY!!!
Hey Mac - Not a bad thought, really. How do you think all this bling stuff gets started!
Hey Bill, don't forget, I'll be down there in April!!! I'll pick you up in my new boat, which is in next week by the way, and of course we are getting a big snowstorm!!!!!!!!:angry:
Mike - What's a little snow when you get to fish the hot side. I have fished in some crazy weather here at the lake but never during a snow storm. I imagine visibility will be tough since the snow will create an enormous amount of fog on the hot side. If you haven't seen the mist coming off the lake it is a sight to see.

They are calling for 3-6 inches of snow on Saturday but nothing on Sunday with temps around 40 degrees with a slight wind. Of course, everyone knows how the weather people lie and get you all excited about snow. It never seems to materialize. LOL

April is a good time for fishing and look forward to hooking up with you.
Bill - you lived up in NOVA long enough! You should know by now that Bob Ryan, Doug Hill and Topper Shutt are all on the "under-the-table" payroll for Costco, Giant and Safeway. Why else would they keep forecasting doom and gloom in the form of 6" to 12" (latest forecast for DC metro area) except to drive people into the grocery stores for milk, bread and toilet paper?? :D:D:D

I'm bummin' that I can't join you guys, but the slopes are a callin'!! I'll think of you all on the hot side as I'm schussing down the local hills.

I think you guys have been hitting the bottle, fishin in a snow storm???? The fishin isnt the problem, its the driving with the trailer for 2 hrs in the snow for me. Leave some fish in the pond for future events:lol:

Jim C - The weathermen are a joke! You are right that it is a conspiracy with the local stores to drive everyone out to get the milk, bread and toilet paper. LOL

Jaws - Big sissy! What are you, a fair weather fisherman? LOL

Will let you know how we did. The bigs ones bite during the snowstorms! :lol:
You found out Im a Sissy, ut oh now everyone knows :wub:

Have fun

Well, looks like I may have to call with the new weather forcast. Looks like we are to get 4-6 inches overnight..... if they had time to clear the roads I would be ok with towing the boat down there if they hd time, but looks like the heavy stuff is after 800 tonight to 800 in the morning tomorrow.....


Snows here also. Looks like we are getting somewhere between 8-13 inches. While I don't have far to tow the boat it may be advisable if Carlos stays at home tomorrow. Let's call the whole thing off! (Wasn't that a song???)

Ken S. Let's do another day, dude!
Snows not doing much here.....let's wait and see. I spent into the dark hours last night bringing up wood from the forest with the better snow a TON!!:lol::p

Well it has totally stopped here. Like Tox says, let's play it by ear. Lion's share is "supposed" to start this afternoon but you know how the weathermen lie. Will post later with the weather conditions.

Keep your fingers crossed!
Standing by !!!

Fingers crossed ! No snow here in Prince William, just cold drizzle
Jaws - OK, I am a sissy, also. However, we are getting nothing to speak of except for a little rain mixed with light snow. Nothing is sticking to the ground so we may still be on in the morning. It's all dependent on whether the guys want to tow their rigs down. For me it's a no brainer. They seem to be revising the weather report so stand by.


I understand, You cant be to carefull. Its not us, its the otheres on the road. If I lived a bit closer Id be up. I just got back from abusiness trip to reno last week and am still recovering from the time changes.

Well, If you guys do go, safe journeys and I hope you have a good time. Im looking forward to getting out soon.

Not sure about down south but I have about 4" of light dusting on my boat all ready......l0l

I am staying home next to the fire place.
