An Invitation

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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Since i am such an obliging person, anyone that would care to come visit and discuss my position, please feel free to send me an email to set up an appointment.:rolleyes:


Your "position" is way more information than I need...:lol: But, old friend I might come down to fish... I hear that you have some nice crappies in February...
Like, is that a challenge to a duel or something? If so, just send me GPS coordinates of the meet site and I'll have my friends prep the target. Kathy Lee Gifford isn't the only one that knows cruises. :wacko::lol::wacko:
Bruce - You are on my bruthafromanothamutha, can we set the location in Shanghai or Syndey (gotta go there next week) and i'll buy ALL the beer and you win every argument, just come on down!!!


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