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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Just got back from Dale yesturday and it was my best fall trip yet! Wife and I caught numerous 3 to 4 lb. SM and managed 4 over 5 lbs. with the best at 5.6 lbs and my PB LM at 7 1/2lbs!:cool:

I'll try to get some pics up soon;)
No pics?? I say BULLSH*T!!

Just kidding Tee. Let's see the pic!!
No BS here dude;)

It's a big no no here at work anymore to upload or download anything on a guv computer.

Have to get the daughter to post it up.

I haven't posted any in years due to getting my hand slapped last time:eek:
Congrats Tee, sounds like a great trip. I believe you. My dad caught a 7lb. 6oz. smallie there years ago. ;)

Aw****...sorry Jeff.

I'm ready to go again of course before the real cold stuff sets in.;)

Each time I go it's a GREAT learning experience...everytime!

I never make assumptions at Dale because you'll get your ass handed to you everytime!:lol:

The wife is definitely beginning to see the light and is becoming better each time...now if I can just get her to use baitcasters for early spring, she'll be in buisness:p
Id love to fish that lake. If you remember give me a shout when you're goin agin and ill come over. Jewelry business beginning to crank up, so its safe to say ill prolly have to wait until spring. Tell the wife baitcasting is easy.:D:D:D I,ll try to remember to post a pic of one of my last casts where my thumb slipped.:D:(:(