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Brian Bell2

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
In response to a post below on poor dealer service, I can offer the following advise.

Finding a dealership that will provide quality after the sale service is tough. But there are few things we can do as consumers to limit our exposure to the bad ones.

1- Since Tracker / Nitro products are the same price regardless of dealership accross this country. Get a feel for your salesman, are they interested in your needs or just moving a unit. Just spend some time talking to them.

2- Check out the parts and service dept. meet with the folks that work there, ask for a tour.

3- Ask around at the boat ramp on folks experience at the dealer your working with.

4- Call the BBB and see if any complaints have been filed.

5- Look over the dealer inventory, are the boats kept clean is the parts and service dept's clean and orginized.

6- While at the dealership, try to speak to some customers that may be in the lot or service dept. get a feel for their experience at the dealer. ( before and after the sale )

7- Check out this site and others on advise / oppinions on a particular dealership.

Most important:

Take your time and look over the entire boat, motor and trailer, make sure the dealer documents any issues you identify. Ensure they are fixed BEFORE you sign the papers and take delivery.

These are just of the few things I did before making the decision to purchase from my dealer. Hope this advise helps anyone looking for a new ride.

Agreed...If I'd done it on my dealer...I'm sure I'd went elsewhere:( Lesson learned:) Class dismisssed:)
This is great stuff Brian. Everyone should laminate a copy of this and keep it in their wallet. Because the next time they buy a boat, any boat, and there will be another boat, this will be a great way to search out a better dealer.

Some dealers are diamonds...

Da Bear
Just an idea...

What if there was an "NTOWS Recommended Dealer" section. The key would be to establish some kind of objective criteria for placing a particular dealership on that list. It can't just be that I have a favorable opinion about my particular dealer.

This would be different than the Dealer Report Card. Anyone can post a Report Card, but it would take a combined evaluation to become a "Recommended Dealer".

For example: a dealership can be nominated by any registered member. Then, based on the responses of other members, the dealership could be added to the list. Or, once a dealership is recommended, a volunteer member visits the dealership (anonymously) to check them out, poke around, and then make a recommendation back to the Board.

Just an idea.
Mo your idea has great merit, (oh and BTW congrats on the promotion) but listing a recommended dealership could bring liability issues for Rich. i.e. NTOWS has the list up and someone goes to one of the recommended dealerships and is not happy with their experience then returns to the site to complain or even files suite against the owner.

Naw, not worth the hassle. My own humble opinion is that consumers are responsible for doing their own homework before making any kind of purchase.

The dealer report card is everyone's true feelings and dealings with a dealership and very useful to any prospective boat buyer if they seek such information.

Just my .02$



Forgot to mention one more important item. Ask for a water test before signing the papers, if the dealer refuses, this is not realy a big deal as most Nitro dealers do not provide this. But you can ask them to hook up a hose start the motor, let in run for 10 minutes and at the same time check all the electronics the best you can, including deploying the t-motor. This will not garrantee that your boat will plane off properly , ect,, but will at least give you the oportunity to get familiar with the layout of the boat and verify that the basic stuff works. You can even request a few buckets of water and test the livewells and bilge.