A Letter to BPS.

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
15 December 2004

Director of the Call Center


2500 E. Kearney

Springfield, Missouri 65803

Re: Customer Service Representative Jessica Hardy.

Dear Director;

Because of Jessica Hardy, I canceled an order I had placed with Wing Supply and gave it to Bass Pro Shops.

A friend had referred me to Wing Supply for their lower prices
I'm so grateful you went to all that trouble just to get my presents to me in time for Christmas:)

Welcome back!

Hey You...it's me:) No.. your ME and I'm...well...confused:)

Welcome Back Staci:) Now...behave yourself;)
Hey old friend, it's good to see you back. Was great talking to you last night as well. Thanks for calling.

Me! You are a week late, Hannukah ended last Wed!!! LOL

Welcome back Staci.....I've just recently sent a letter very similiar to yours to a different company... I think when a customer service rep goes above and beyond they need to be recognized, Huh Sue D??.....
Bill -

I think I once posted a letter here that I had sent to Sue's boss something like maybe a year ago..... Never, and I do mean NEVER, have I ever seen a Customer Service Rep do so much for their employer as Sue has!

Thanks for all you've done for all of us and

God Bless you, Sue!


I just did a search. Here was that letter.....

18 November 2003

Ms. Connie Crotty

QA Manager


95 Research Boulevard

Meriden, Connecticut 06450

Dear Ms. Crotty;

I am a charter member of the Nitro and Tracker Owners Website. You have likely heard of us from Sue Delelys, it is one of the sites she frequents both for personal reasons and to promote your products.

Sue first came to our site about 2
Staci - I forwarded this to the Director of call center operations directly...happy holidays!


Thanks, Dave!

I was kinda hoping someone might do that!

At the end of my conversation with Jessica, I asked her who to send a letter to; she could only give me a title but not a name. I mailed it just as you see it addressed with a copy to Jessica but I didn't know if it would ever get to where it needed to be.....

Thanks again for assuring that the lady will receive proper recognition!

Merry Christmas!


I was in Wing Supply yesterday! Actually it is a mom and pop store that has expanded to the net. They are really called Uncle Lee's. This is your typical place where you can get lumber, tires, guns, camo, furniture, computers, clothes, hardware and home goods. It is actually a pretty neat place with decent prices. I can understand why you had problems getting your stuff though. After they expanded to the net (they have a couple more Web sites) it seemd they didn't beef up the CS and the sales agents in the store. If I had of known I would of picked it up for you though.

Welcome back!!

Thanks, Donnie!

This was actually the second order I was going to place with them. The way it came down......

The first was for the Johnny Stewart 612LR caller. The rep I spoke to gave me more "duh's" and "I dunno's" than I could begin to believe; not once did she offer to go get an answer for me. She left me severely doubting Wing's ability to perform and knowing that, at the very least, they had put an untrained rep on the phones. I still placed the order because they were the least expensive spot I had found. After I had given the order and my CC#, I asked about shipping. She couldn't answer that question either. Finally, I asked to speak to a supervisor. While I was on hold, I went to the BPS website and saw that they were only $10 more on a $150 item. I knew from experience that BPS ships same day and 1 day transit time to me. When the supervisor came on, she explained that they were backed up for Christmas and it would be 3 or 4 days before my purchase would ship - but that I could get it out of their warehouse more quickly for $7 extra..... I only paid the $7 and left the order with them because I didn't want to go through any more hassle.

The second order was for tapes for the machine. The only reason I went back was that they seemed to have the complete line at $8.99 each vs $9.99 from other retailers. I placed the order over the internet on a Monday expecting prompt shipment - all the items were shown "in stock". When I followed up the next day..... Well, you know the rest of the story.


Wing Supply, if you're reading this, I am:

Staci Matheis

303 Village Drive

Glen Carbon, IL 62034

[email protected]