A great start to the year....NOT!

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score

I went fishing today with a friend from school on a local lake here in Oklahoma City (Hefner for yall okies out there). The wind was blowing 25 miles per hour constantly and made main lake a nightmare. there were 3 and 4 footers out there and my 882 just bounced around all day, but for an 18 footer I am more pleased with it than my 18 foot Ranger I used to have in rough water like that. I lost my first fish of the year. I also managed to lose my new flipping stick I got for CHristmas. I guess it got knocked out when running...dunno just wasn't there when I went to load the boat. I guess I learned my lesson that I need to strap the rods down. Other than that the day was ok, just wish it wasn't so windy. Good luck to everyone else.
That's bad news BJ. I hope you didn't have a high dollar reel attached too.

You're a braver man than I am. I won't go out on any lake when it's as windy as it was today but especially NOT Hefner. It's windy there when it's not windy anywhere else. That's why you see all the wind surfers and sailboats out there. Plus there are some ankle deep shallow spots on the east side that are so far from the bank it would be a long hike back to shore.

I'm surprised you weren't home watching the Cotton Bowl...but I guess it's better you didn't. Sorry 'bout the loss.

Well I like to fish out there and yes it is ankle deep in some spots. I got off the water at 1:30 and listened to it on the way home...I really thought they would make a comeback and they did. They just couldn't get the ball back. Oh well..GO OU Tomorrow! I fish that east side a lot, around the restaraunts and all. There is a reason for it. I have learned a few deeper spots to get the boat in, and there is a girl at my school that lives at Hefner Road and the Hefner Expressway!!!! She told me that she walks her dogs out there on the trails and that I should fish the lake more...so I have found my way around.

BTW-I had a Curado Superfree on the rod....ARGHHH
Sunday 7:00pm

Actually I have never had my boat on Hefner. I guess I'm afraid of the racing submarines that we used to watch when I was in high school about a million years ago. LOL

My brother-in-law tells me the best day fishing he ever had in his life was at Hefner but he counts every Sand Bass, Crappie, and all. Is the black bass fishing worth a hoot there? I may have to go Curado fishing there soon.

"I am more pleased with it than my 18 foot Ranger I used to have in rough water like that."

GASP....how can that be? NEVER......Why, I'm dumfounded...better than a Ranger....Careful the Ranger gods will strike your NITRO with lightning the next time you are out!!

TOXIC-I am serious! I never really have cared for Rangers. I think they are overated (sorry don't take this personally Ranger lovers). They are too expensive and too SLOW. When I bought my Nitro I compared prices with Ranger (Dads idea). The 18 foot Ranger would have cost us 25,000 to 27,000. I got my Nitro for $21,000, If I would have spent the money on the Ranger I could have bought a 901. Don't get me wrong I liked my Ranger, but this Nitro is a lot better, engine too.

Soonerfan-the rod is somewhere between the dam and the boat ramps. you can use my aqua-vu to go look for it. I was fishing out there a couple of years ago with my dad and we pulled up a $80 openface and rod. It looked like it had been pulled in that morning because it was clean and worked fine. there was no one on the bank or around or we would have returned it.

You jinxed me!! I dumped a $250 G-Loomis and Cabelas reel today...Here we go again, I am in the lead on the "launch" contest for 2004....jeeeeze.

UH OH!!!

with my luck at tournaments and all I will have the lead soon!!!

Good Luck
