a day out with my son

  • Thread starter rick bode [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library/118
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rick bode

Active Member
Mar 21, 2001
Reaction score
me and my son matthew hit silver lake on sunday it was a great day of fishing we got 15 lmb with my son getting most of them witch iam still hereing about to day he also got his bigest fish that he has ever cought
Great smile and fish....I think he's hooked for life!!

Bob G.
Rick - WOW great pic! how old is "The Terminator"!!! LOL

Gotta love when that happens!
way to go Rick, you got your boy usin' cork handles, you're starting him right, my friend!

That's great! I can't wait to get my 6 year old nephew into some of these big fat gills in a couple weeks:)

I get such a kick watchin' those little faces light up and get so excited...I'll probably have to rope his little fanny to the boat.

thats great, my seven yr old has the same life jacket.

he cant wait for the first time out for this year.

this coming saterday if the weather holds up.

Remindes me of myself when I first started fishing with my Dad. Good times....and will always be.

The only get bigger from here....the fish and the kids.