a day in retail

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
nothing beats a day in retail on the day after thanksgiving........................

i'm exausted........
Been there....done that....got the scars to prove it.

I didn't even call the store today....I love my job.

Harpo - Do you work in the Tulsa store? My father-n-law from Oolagah was telling me about it. If you do, let me know (you can email me) when you typicaly work, i'll see if he can come down and say "Hey" since i'm too far away!
I still love my job and i still think its a blast!

Its great to have these customers come in that ask questions about certain lures, rods, reels..etc. and i get to help them out. Its the customers that come in, think that the associates know nothing and are rude and just demand this and demand that and if we do offer an opinion its wrong to them and they'll tell us why. But 99.9% of the custumers are great to talk to, its that .1% thats not so fun.

Yesterday was just busy, we had a lot of sales so we were trying to keep product out and help people find different things, it was just busy!
Trep, it's BJ that works for BPS (in OKC). I'm an outside salesrep selling lighting and hardware to homebuilders. I used to work retail back in the olden days. The most grinding job I had, was way back in the 70's when I worked for a big chain stereo equiptment retailer called "SoundTrak". If you survived the Christmas season you were definatly a strong indivual. Fortunatly I have paid my dues and work my own hours now.

Harpo - Thanks, I remembered BJ working in the OKC store, maybe it was FatTrap working in the Tulsa store?
You don't know hell until you have worked in a toy store at christmas. Especially when there is an unexpected hot new toy. I had to break up a fight between two women over a Batman action figure,one time. The best part was, while they were fighting, someone else came along and bought the toy.

Rich D
About 8 years ago the Formica distributor I was working for went under and the new distributor wasn't ready to start up until after the first of the year so I worked in the stock room at Toys R Us for two days right before Christmas. I thought they were trying to kill me. I hurried up and found a job at a kiosk at the mall. I would rather go through boot camp again than to work one day at Toys R Us.

I worked retail in the home improvement side for 3 yrs after retiring from the Navy. Never again if I can help it. It was quite a culture shock to go from working where everyone did what they were supposed to do (military), to going to where some of the people (employees) wouldn't show up to work, or quit out of the blue. I do have respect for those that make a career out of retail, but it sure wasn't for me.