A co-workers Sister in Law...

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
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..Just found out the sister-in-law of one of my coworkers was murdered over the weekend in Detroit. Stabbed 78 times and her dog was stabbed twice in the face,...they assume the dog was tryin to help her!! The dog survived and is now with Dave and his wife, who is the sister of the victim. UNBELIEVABLE!!! She was an Apt. Complex Mgr...found her in her apt......no signs of forced entry. Cops think she probably knew her assailant and let him/her in, since she was known for being extremely helpful to her tenants. Man I can't imagine what that's going to be like for Dave, when they catch THAT perp!!

Please pray for the Leonard and Formicola families,....this is going to be a TOUGH one to get thru!!:(:angry::wacko:

Prayers for the family.

I hope that they catch the sick bastard:(
Mac saw this on the news sometimes things don't make sence. Prayers are on the way.
I saw this too last week. Unimaginable....78 times!

They interview some of the tenants that lived in the building and 100% had nothing but positives to say about her. She had gotten the owners to upgrade some things to improve safety and quality of life for the tenants. If I remeber correctly she was quoted as saying she was taking the job in a bad part of Detroit to make a difference, to spark some change in a city that so desperately is in need of people as brave she was.

This truely is a loss for mankind....

Her family is in my prayers.


May the perp be found and never make it to trial. You know what I mean.:angry:

I am so sorry to hear this Mac. Prayers are heading out for the victim and the families. Like Mike said, I hope the animal responsible gets true justice. It's a shame to see someone trying to help be victimized by someone receiving the help. It's no wonder why people are hesitant to extend a helping hand. God Bless her and the families.
Mac,this is sad. Prayers going out for the family. Prayers also for the police to catch this sicko.

Heres another sad story out of Alton, N.H., from about a week ago. Last year i had met a friend online (Greg), and we decided to go snowmobiling up in northern N.H. (Colebrook). Well, we met the morning of the trip and he brought one of his buddies along with him (Rob). We had an awesome time, just like we knew each other for years. Well, about 6 mos ago, his buddy(Rob), started working at my employer, i thought i recognized him but weren't sure, but after a couple weeks went by, he (Rob) came up to me, at work and re introduced himself to me and then i knew who he was. Well anyways, about 2 weeks ago, there was a Murder,Suicide in Alton. I knew nothing for details, except a distraught wife, opened fire on her 11 yr old daughter Cassie first, by what i can gather, she may have been running to get away from her mom when she shot her, i believe it was in the side of her head. The mom, thinking her daughter was dead, turned and shot Rob in the head, and then took her own life as well. The 11 yr old girl was concious enough to go to the next door neighbors house and let them know what had happened. She was 42 yrs old, he was 44 yrs old. No known marital problems, i heard possibly depression, and she infact may have gone to the hospital ER the day before this happened and the ER told her there was nothing wrong, but thats just heresay. UPDATE: The 11 yr old girl Cassie is out of the hospital, and i believe they said shes living with her godparents. She'll be okay, no permanent brain damage..... I personally had only met Rob, not either of the mom or their daughter. At our work, they started a trust fund for her, and passed around a jar, throughout the plant. I guess ya never know......... Thought i'd share this story with everyone, Jim
UPDATE: I talked to Dave this morning,.....the cops have arrested the ex-boyfriend and they suspected him from the start...they're holding him on child support charges anyway, and charged him with 1st degree murder yesterday! He had been living in Colorado and moved back here...he wanted to get back together with her and she said "No,...we can be friends, but I don't want to get back together". He couldn't take "NO" for an answer, so he snapped and killed her. :angry::angry: He'll never see the light of day again!! But keeping that a-hole alive in prison for the rest of his life is a total WASTE of our tax $$....but that's a whole 'nuther thread. Regardless, they have the dude behind bars now.......but justice is yet to be served!!
We had a guy at work get called out due to his brother stabbing his grandmother because she wouldn't give him any money! Stabbed her 48 times including 4 times in each eye!

What is this world coming too?

Hope that little girl is ok for the long run!

I say fry his a$$ and I'll have a beer afterwords:angry:
Good news!! His buddies in the Big House will surely "enhance" whatever sentence he gets. I hope they have a good 'ol time with him!!

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