$#@!_%(^*#$*#$ house!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Every contractor I have farmed work out to and paid good money has only succeeded in screwing things up more! I had to get my boiler guy back there 3 times before he got it right. Paid 2 guys that were supposed to be "electricians" but were slower than death to rewire my kitchen and ended up finishing it myself because they were too slow. They hard wired the lights, swith doesn't turn them off so I have to tear it apart again and rewire! At least the plumbing is up to snuff now. And should have my bathroom downstairs done for the weekend. I swear, if one of you shows up next year and says, "Must be nice to have this big fancy house." I'll kill ya! LOL

When you put in that fountain with the little guy peeing on you post the photo.

Oh man, been there! How come they never show the nightmares that happen before the dream comes true! Just hope you don't have to try to find a brick layer! I was on the verge of calling my ex wife's father!

Hang in there buddy!

Rich D
I do need a mason, the brick is in rough shape in a few spots! LOL
I am convinced it would be quicker for you to learn the trade then to find one with the time to do a small job! LOL!

My Dad is a retired union carpenter and he couldn't find anyone!
I once again add: Never again will I buy an old house.

Good luck to you though!!! I know you'll be ok if you hang in there.
Our new house was supposed to be finished 3 weeks ago so, we sold our house at the end of September. We've been living with my brother for three weeks waiting for the idiot contractors to finish the job. For the last four days most of the workers didn't even show up. I'd like to shoot the whole bunch.

After several experiences with these same situations, I have set a new rule for myself...I will only buy 3-5 year old homes.

I have purchased two "fixer-uppers" and will NEVER do that again. I definitely feel your pain, Rob!

I built a custom house and know exactly what Frank is talking about. Could never figure out why I was paying a General Contractor. I spent more time on the lot than he did. Wish I could've charged him for my labor/time spent correcting his stupid mistakes!

After three years, most new homes have shook out their problems. Slap on some paint and new carpet (to replace the crap builders use) and you're good to go!
PS...stick with it, Rob. When you're finally finished, you'll have learned a TON and you'll truly have a home that is yours.
Rob We here ya. Been in my old farm house 7 1/2 years now.

did the Kitchen and Bathroom 1st year (most $$s) Paid to have the outside done. Did all the doors and windows year 2,

It takes time.. But in most cases it is a long term investment. Lectric and plubming are not that hard just don't mix the 2..

10 room to go and I will be ready to start over. Bathroom and kitchen again..

I spent some time building houses.Some of the work and materials that go into new houses if very sub-standard.It's all about profit,build them as cheap as possible,as fast as possible.

Those old houses were built to live in for a lifetime.They may be crooked and noisy,but give me an old house anyday.
I agree Steve, I have moved a lot and let me tell you...the best houses were built before the 80's. I've seen new construction in worse shape than a 50 year old house in less than 2 years, and that has nothing to do with the owners either!!

Yeah Tox, everyone that's been in my basement can't believe that after almost 200 years, with a river across the road that my house is perfectly square still.....well at least the foundation. The floors and walls look like they were levelled by someone on crack!
No the "modern" wiring, plumbing, and capentry was done withing the last 15 years by some crack head! I think the same person did all 3 things because the MO is the same.....cheap, fast, and stupid!

Here was my project. I never updated the site with the completed pics, but it will show you that I feel your pain! And if anyone is interested there are some 99% completed pics in my members file under 'Home Pics'

Rich D
I should have done the same thing. Nobody will believe me that didn't see it, what the inside USED to look like once we're done. But I have PLENTY of witnesses and Buzz is one. He still didn't see the mess the bathroom was once we completely gutted it.
Rob--Throw the level out the window.If you put up somthing that is level,it will look crooked.The only way to go in those old houses is by eyeball.
That's what we've been doing Steve! LOL We don't level anything, it never looks right or matches the rest of the house.