70 freaking degrees and 70mph winds..

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Michael Snow

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Okay, maybe not 70mph, but the boat DID blow off the trailer in my yard (okay, maybe not)... but it's friggin windy.
I have it much worse......65 degrees,sunny and calm.......and I emptied out the boat and winterized it last weekend...(again)......

Everything is flooded out from a HUGE storm we had a few days ago anyhow,so I guess I'll just go cry into a beer or ten.
to cold for me, its 79 degrees here and im ready to go out on the lake in the morning
It was 65 here yesterday! I called the old man and we trolled for 'skies for a couple hours. No luck other than one possible bite off (pretty hard to break 80lb fireline), but great to be on the water!

Rich D