5 slain in deer -hunter feud

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I'm a member of the NRA but, ya' know there's some that should never have guns:( Real dumasses:(
That's absolutely ridiculous,....more than likely there was MASSIVE amounts of alcohol involved.

On a side bar,..(no pun intended)...In MI., if you hang a tree stand on public property,...ANYBODY can use it,..the same goes for any kind of natural blind,..anything on "public property" is "public property!!" I just read that recently too. Other than going up to CN, I'm glad I hunt private property,...we don't have to deal with ANY a-holes!!

Real sad. Anytime anyone gets killed while hunting shines a bad light on our sport. Alchol was probably involved which makes these individuals non hunters in my opinion. A real hunter stays within the boundary of the law.

What a tragedy for their families.

Wonder how long it will be before someone does that on one of your favorite fishin' holes. It's just a matter of time...
Some us use the SKS in Ky to hunt deer. Back years ago you could get one for under $100, so it was a cheap deer rifle.

But what pisses me off is one radio station called it an assualt rifle. So what the heck is "an" assualt rife? You can assualt anyone with any rifle, even a BB gun. Does that make it an assualt rifle? Off my soap box now.
