2005 Corp. Engineer Annual Pass - First Day Avail!!! Strange Words on back!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK for those of us who launch regularly from Corp. Eng. ramps, we know that 2005 annual pass has not been ready (good at ANY corp. Eng. lake/park in the country). Well on the way to the bank at lunch saw that the local Ramp had the "shack" out and maned, so stopped by. Today is the first day they are selling the pass so I bought one ($30 for the year, vs $3 per visit).

Anyway at a stoplight i'm checking out the pass (they now HANG from the rear view mirror instead of being a sticker) and it says on the back under the Signature line...

"WARNING: Remove this tag when vehicle is in motion."

SERIOUSLY!! I figure it was SUPPOSED to say "DO NOT Remove..." but Soneone in Quality Control missed it!!! LOL

I wonder who will be the FIRST idiot to remove it while driving and sue the Corp.!!!
It probably says to remove it so it's not blocking your vision while driving.
Ken - You are probably right, had not thought of that - :eek:

Of course i might have worded it clearer like "WARNING - Do not have this tag hanging from your mirror if the vehicle is moving"
Ken... Ken.... Ken.....

You know better than to try logic with Trepper!


Like Neeley said, it is on there so you should take it down while driving so as not to block your vision. I have a handicapped placard that hangs from the mirror and it says the same thing. So whenever I see someone driving with their handicapped placard hanging from the rear view mirror, I always say " There goes another dumba$$ handicapped driver!" Because obviously they can't READ, so why should they be allowed to drive! LOL

OK maybe i'm mentaly handicapped, but I didn't think (problem maybe :) that the wording made it clear what to do.

Oh, well, at least the weather is 80 degrees and sunny, the lake/river has cleared up a bunch and the fish should be moving up river to spawn (whites, hybrids and stripes) so 8amish in the morning Eli and I are heading out!!
No, it's an anti-theft device. You can't remove it unless the vehicle is moving. Just think if it could be removed while you were parked at the ramp. Your windows would be smashed and you'd be out $30. They're saving you money.

(/bfhp mode off) :lol: