2 dead in bass boat crash

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Barry Loos

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2001
Reaction score
Just picked up this info about 2 killed in a bass boat crash. The link below gives a bit of information. Hope it is none of our folks.

Da Bear

With KB driving in the fog, you gotta worry about doubling back and hitting the dock!!LOL

I read more details and we all just need to stay sharp on the water. Follow the rules of navigation....if ya don't know them, learn them.

I'll keep my ear to the ground, and see what else I can find out. I fish Keowee several times a year. It's not a lake with a lot of 'blind' areas at all, but it does have quite a few islands and such.

I was very close to a near disaster last year. Clear bluebird day with little to know wind/chop in the spring. Just anglers on the water, for the most part. Two idiots in a bass boat ran over two others in a tri-hull catfishing. The bass boat was running down a major tributary and had to have had the other boat in sight for at least 1/4 to 1/2 of a mile. Regardless, it still hit and ran over the tri-hull. The two guys on board realized it was going to happen just seconds before impact and jumped overboard, saving any real 'bodily' damage.

The two idiots - 'we didn't see them'.

I have a 'little' additional information. Since this is still under investigation, not much coming out right now.


There was a major boating accident on keowee saturday killing two and seriously wounding two others. Two tournament boats hit head on at a high rate of speed. I know one of the boys that passed had two small kids and wife. I also know there are plans for a benefit tournament.

