1st. Win of the season

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
Fished our second tournament of the season, ST. Lawrence River, out of Ogdensburg, N.Y. with the Team Trail I follow. My partner and I took 1st Place with 15 lbs. 10 oz, plus luinker with a 5.5 lb largemouth. Total winnings to date $1160.00 two tournaments. Not bad for the guy with the aluminum boat. I've got to thank that lady that was throwing cashews off her boat in a marine on the Canadian side. We caught a four and a five pounder from that location. Gee's who'd of thought bass like nuts.
Good job Jim, let's not fool ourselves with the tin comment. That Avalanche is more then just a tin boat. Again, nice job Jim and hope to see you around some time on the lake this year.


I'm still looking for a check......lol

Glad to hear someone I know is finding some fish

Here's the email address to our club site: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6sotd/northernnewyorkbassmastersclub/
So would Cashews be considered "live bait"??? Or would it be considered Artificial so you could tip your jigs with them!!! LOL
The lunker had an 8-10 oz bullhead, just the tail sticking out of it's gullet, when it ate the jig. They could have accused us of stuffing the fish. No way that bass could get rid of that fish. Too far down it's throat.
All you have to do is come down Rob. Leave your boat at home and just bring your GPS.
Congrats... Nice to see a "tin" guy achieve success in the face of such adversity (as we get around here...LOL)!
Great Job Jim! Nice to see the next generation of Tin wins too!!! LOL