Think you best bet is just to replace the entire key assembly and make sure you have extra keys made. LOL Or maybe you can just hot wire it each time you go out. LOL
ya da...inhereted the boat from my 20 yr long partner,,,SPLASH...randy baehre,...along with all his tackle/rods....widow couldnt find the i think i agree,,,better to replace the whole thing with kill me I will be needing more help with first bass boat...thx
Hey Bob! Good to see you here!! So sorry to hear about Randy. Splash was a very good fella.
If you call a tracker dealer, they may have several duplicates in the shop. Contrary to popular belief, there aren't a whole lot of key combos out there. I've had many customers pleasantly surprized. If you have the switch in hand or can drive the rig by, you might get lucky at the Concord store. (BPS) Good luck!
Yep,..Dan's right on AGAIN!!...I lost a key one time for my first boat (it had a 50HP Johnson)...I went to the local dealer and he had a keyring with ALL of the master's on it. He told me,..."Try all of these until you find the one that works, then I'll see if I have it in stock"...Well...on the 3rd try, that key worked,...unfortunately, he didn't have another one in stock!! sold me THAT one, and said he'd order another one for himself...THAT's service!! I was on my way in 15 minutes and he charged me $5.00!
thx........thinking about replacing the whole ignition.....yeah..i miss Splash every it hard to replace the ignition?? its a mercury...tx for the help