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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Reaction score
We buried my Dad yesterday, and the Red Cross got a message to Jonathan and he called early in the week and said he would be home for 48-72 hours..

He said he would arrive at 10:45 am Friday, the day after the funeral.

The service was at noon Thursday.....the church was packed with over 300 people. The service was beautiful, and right at the end, a dear friend of my parents, Sharon, was singing Amazing Grace at the close of the service.

Halfway through the song, I noticed movement in the aisle to my right, and did a double was Jonathan!!!!!!!

My mother and I both jumped up right in the middle of Amazing Grace and started hugging and crying and kissing him...Sharon, God Bless Her, just kept on singing while we stood in front of the casket for a few minutes hugging and crying.

There wasn't a dry eye in the place....every person in that church was smiling and crying.

I know my dad was looking down on this, and I'm sure he was smiling too!!!

He gets to stay home until September 2nd!!

Tell Johathan thanks for the job he and his fellow Marines are doing. I'm glad that he made the service for your father. Once again prayers and best wishes.

Ken, I would also appreciate it if you would pass my thanks on to your son for the job he and all the others are doing. There are a lot of us vets out there that are really proud of they way they have performed and conducted themselves in a very difficult situation...


I believe this is one of the best things I have read on this board. I haven't been around much lately and am sorry for the loss of your father, but it sounds as if God has been with, and even smiled upon you during this hard time!! now quit reading this and hawg that boy's time while he is still home!!


p.s. Tell him thanks!
I've been up north lately and just read this ,and I will admit it brought tears to my eyes as well. Good luck Ken .Injoy your time with your son .
Yo Ken,...any chance we can get together while Jonathon is home?? I'd like to take you two fishin' and grillin' and buy that man a brewski!!! Call me!! My wife and kids are going up north this weekend too, so I'm available for any potential hedonism!! (Mini, BETTER call me!! LOL)

I wanna go! I wanna go!.....

Plus I can finally get that BIG bottle of Jack to Ken...AND get Jonathon

I am scheduled to go up north with Shannon.....gotts do that, cause she has given me her vette to drive.


Towing a Skeeter with a Vette.....

The skeeter was totalled...anyone wanna buy a 225 Yammie?

PS Mac call me @ cell died in the 1084 waves we speared coming across St Clair....

Putting it mildly...yes.

Boat, trailer and truck were totalled...but I am alive so all is well.

You've got that right, Mini.....

And you get use of a Vette, too!

Now..... About Shannon..............
Hey! You're back to using "Mini" as your screen name!

That's GOOD!

"Mini" is loved and admired by everyone who frequents this board!
Well after the posts about Mac &

Actually I just got a new computer. I forgot what I used for all these boards cause I didnt transfer my I guess you could say I lost

Glad to hear about a ray of sunshine on a very gloomey day. Welcome home Jonathan, and thank you!
