Trailer help

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Brian Gallion

New Member
Jun 11, 2002
Reaction score
I am wondering if I am going in the right direction with adjusting my trailer.

I have a 1992 DC2000 Nitro and just put it on a new Load Rite trailer. The first time I loaded the boat at the ramp, the bow wanted to go under the bow roller. So, after pulling the rig up some, I winched it on.

I would like to float it on, since I fish by myself after work alot of the time.Anyway,should the bunks be adjusted up on the back end of the trailer? Right now it sits alittle high in the front, but the bow roller is set at its lowest level on the winch post.It seems to me the bunks should be level with trailer or slightly higher in the rear.

Please, if anyone was some ideas, let me know before I start jacking and wrenching on this thing!

Thanks a bunch.

If the bow is above the bow roller when the boat is resting on the trailer then adjustment probably isn't needed. Maybe you have the trailer too far into the water. If the trailer is too far in the water the bow goes under the bow roller. Try loading the boat with the trailer bunks a bit more exposed. Use the boat's engine to slide the boat up the bunks. This will center the boat and also get the bow above the bow roller.

Also back the trailer all the way in the water to wet the bunks and then pull out to your final position. When you get it just right, take a mental note on how far your fenders are out of the water. After a few times, you'll be a pro!!

Bob G.
Good advise from Bob G. but also remember that if you fish different bodies of water, each ramp is different in angle and some you will have to be out more or less because of that angle. Seems to me the steeper the ramp the further out of the water your trailer needs to be. (not a lot but it will make a difference).

Just takes some time with your particular set-up!

Good luck!

Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.

I think a little practice with the new trailer is in order to get it right. Wetting the bunks first is a great idea that I have never done in the past, thanks Bob.