First, I asked which one because I think there are at least 12 "Long Lake"(s) in Wisconsin. I have fished several (according to my database, at least 5) for walleye. The one I am most familiar with is near Hayward. It is the home of the resort where Famous Dave's BBQ started out. The one you are fishing should be good for Smallies. Very clear, apparently spring fed, so tailor your presentations accordingly (natural colors). With the weather breaking I would target plastics (grubs and tubes) in tight to cover (which is plentiful). If you do happen to want to try for walleye, I would suggest evening/night with a Rapala over weeds near deep water (probably more to the south end) just before or at/after dark. Best advice I can give is to go to Long Lake Bait & Tackle. It is on Hwy B and Blackhawk Rd on the north end of the lake. They have been helpful to me in the past.