How NOT to spend vacation...(LONG)

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Adam Murray

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2001
Reaction score
Got a little energy back so figured I'd catch up on some posts and e-mails and moan about my crappy weekend.

Planned biz trip was cancelled last week so I loaded up the boat and headed for Lake Fork to spend 4 days hunting trophy bass. Last week three Sharelunker fish were brought in...these are largemouth bass over 13 pounds that are donated to Texas Parks & Wildlife for their trophy breeding program. Figured the new state record was right around the corner.

Day 1 - post front, bluebird skies, 80 degrees, one TINY fish and a MASSIVE sunburn (2 year old sunscreen does NOT work!)

Day 2 - wake up to worst wind and lightning I've ever seen. Go back to bed, then eat a nice breakfast and wait for storm to clear. Never does, but lightning subsides so I head out. Can't buy a fish! Finally, start picking off fish holding TIGHT to hardwoods with jig. Just when I got it figured out...BOOM!! Lightning strikes just a couple hundred yards from boat. Never seen my dog so scared (hope she didn't sense MY fear!) Crank up big motor and make 20 mile run back to ramp. I picked the wrong weekend to take windshields off of boat! Hard rain, small hail and boat traveling 70 mph HURTS!!!

Finally get back to ramp, tie up boat and back trailer in. Climb back into boat and turn key...nothing! Check all connections, fuses, etc and can't figure it out. Anyone ever try to load a 901 in a storm with no motor?? Call me for instructions...

Get boat loaded and fly to local Merc shop...still have 2 days to fish, MUST get motor fixed. Owner of shop is locking up when I arrive and tells me he can't help 'cuz he promised his wife he'd be home for an early supper. Another non-Merc shop narrows it down to solenoid but won't fix it so as not to void my warranty.

The plan for tomorrow...trailer boat back to my fish and just use trolling motor. First, though, I must eat supper. Decide to try the diner next to my hotel...heard they have good catfish. I line up at the trough and start diggin' in!! Halfway through, though, I start feeling BAAADDDDD!!! Quickly pay my bill, run back to room and commence to puking for the next two days.

That's poisoning! Didn't leave my room (mostly laid in bed or on the bathroom floor) for the next 48 hours. Finally mustered up the strength to drive home, but first, must warn owner of restaurant. Definitely don't want this to happen to anyone else. Owner's explanation: sometimes we don't do things quite right out here in the country...very possible we served something that should've been thrown away. Note to self: NEVER eat there again!!

Still feeling quite icky, but finally able to get off the couch. Sorry so long and boring...haven't had much human contact in the last few days!
You need to get back up here to Michigan...we can catch and eat it the same day!!!
I'm with you, dude! Unfortunately, my boss is on a different playing field than I am...gimme a little more time, though, have a few more tricks up my sleeve!